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By choosing the DIY Red Kit Pack, you are making a meaningful $50 donation that supports the menstruating community in three impactful ways: you support a cause you love, a school or pantry you care about, and the mission of Red Lined. This initiative is a fantastic opportunity for community members, Girl Scouts and Scouts alike, teachers, support staff or just supportive parents who are passionate about providing for both their community and menstruaters. Your contribution helps ensure that menstrual kits remain free and accessible throughout Central Rhode Island, particularly in schools and highly accessible pantries. Join the movement today and make a real difference!

Shipping is additional fee.

DIY Red Kit Pack

  • Aproximatly:

    • 28 Pouches
    • 280 Maxi Pads (assorted)
    • 50 fun Stickers
  • Fill one pouch with 10 individual maxipads. Add a couple cute stickers. Zip it up. Send it to your favorite place that needs help supporting menstruators! 

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