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Fall Festival Brings in Thousands

We are excited to be taking part in the 5th annual fall festival at Notte park in North Providence - hosted by the North Providence PTO/PTA and moms of Marieville.

Red.Lined will host our own booth - stock full of information
* how we operate
* the people that we help
* & of course red.kits!

Anybody is welcome to come and take a red kit with absolutely no questions asked. If you bring a box of pads or tampons we'll be giving out free vinyl stickers for anyone who supports.

Throughout the park you'll find plenty of non-profits and local businesses, lots of crafts games fun and more. Get a cool face painting or jump on the bouncy houses!

Don't forget to support the non-profits and small businesses throughout. BRING CASH OR VENMO

to donate to your favorite causes!

Sunday September 25th 12pm - 6pm 1801 Douglas Ave, North Providence RI

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