Thank you for your interest in:
Trial Period
To ensure that you receive products that fit your body,
please answer the following questions.
Do not combine names on a single form. SEPERATE FORMS FOR EACH PARTICIPANT
This program is Limited to 15 TOTAL Participants
Assumption of Risk Agreement
I understand that I use this product at my own risk. Red.Lined and it's board members hold no responsibility for usage, misusage or product failure. All products are a gift from the donation community, individually wrapped items. Internal components are untouched by Red.Lined. After the product has been received by the requestor Red.Lined assumes no responsibility for the item or user. User should do their due diligence to research the product, locate the manufacturer, educate themselves on proper usage including but not limited to insertion, placement, removal, cleaning, risk, IUD indications and usage duration and storage to name a few. If you have questions you should contact your healthcare provider before requesting the item and certainly before using the items.
We have received your submission!
Our program is limited to 15 participants.
We will confirm your spot in the program shortly.
At this time the program is full. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list, you may email us at