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Who do you chose to support during 401GIVES?

2023 is set to bring an abundance of change, and all for the better. Beginning in spring, our programming is changing to better focus on our mission.

401Gives is one of the few fundraisers that we participate in yearly. It is a great opportunity for us to utilize a professional fundraiser, with a significant impact, in a short and timely manor.

Last year we were collected just about $500 through 10 unique donors, and a single matched donation through the Papitto Opportunity Connection. This year the Professional Fundraiser has made an effort to better disperse the matching opportunities across the entire day. This is even more important because April 1st happens to fall on a Saturday. That makes 401Gives a weekend long event. Extending the donor window from Friday right through Sunday evening. There are multiple opportunities for gift matching through an array of wonderful donors. Check that out on the Prizes page on the 401 Gives website.

Although our goal is $2,500 I am so very grateful for any donation amount. I always like to remind our followers that donating supplies is equally as important as donating funds. We still take in any individually wrapped period products that are withing 3 years of the manufacturers date. This includes, maxi pads, tampons, liners, menstrual cups, absorbent underwear and menstrual discs. Please follow this link to donate supplies: Amazon Wishlist Thank so much for all you do for our mission!



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